BoxedApp Blog

BoxedApp: Tips'n'Tricks, Examples, Use Cases etc.

BoxedApp SDK 2.0.1, BoxedApp Packer 2.1.1

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We’ve tested BoxedApp under new Windows from MS, Windows 7. A few issues found and fixed.

[FIXED] ShellExecute doesn’t run virtual EXE under Windows 7
[FIXED] ActiveX registering in a virtual registry may not work properly under Windows 7

A small fix for all Windows:

[FIXED] Launching a lot of child processes cause memory and handles leak

New feature of the BoxedApp Packer:

[NEW] Environment variables are supported in a virtual path.

[ Download demo version ]

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Author:  MLefebvre | Date:  February 5, 2009 | Time:  10:45 pm

We wanted to make a “Packed” version of our application, mainly for demo purposes (one single EXE with all data files embedded and no “installation” required). For that we had some particular needs : our application requires various service files, whose names and locations (at runtime) depend on the actual EXE name and/or location, and therefore are not fully predictable at build time.

That feature (env variables in BoxedApp Packer) allowed us to answer very easily to those needs, that would have otherwise require some scripting or additional developments. Finally, we did not have to change one single bit in our original EXE. I can also testify that the BoxedApp product team has been quite efficient, with a cycle time of a few hours (well, maybe you know some software companies who have support cycle times of months, if ever …)

Author:  MastAvalons | Date:  November 9, 2011 | Time:  10:13 pm

Good work!
Thanks to the developers for this.
I use it and recommend it to friends.

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