BoxedApp Blog

BoxedApp: Tips'n'Tricks, Examples, Use Cases etc.

BoxedApp SDK 2.0.1, BoxedApp Packer 2.1.1

We’ve tested BoxedApp under new Windows from MS, Windows 7. A few issues found and fixed.

[FIXED] ShellExecute doesn’t run virtual EXE under Windows 7
[FIXED] ActiveX registering in a virtual registry may not work properly under Windows 7

A small fix for all Windows:

[FIXED] Launching a lot of child processes cause memory and handles leak

New feature of the BoxedApp Packer:

[NEW] Environment variables are supported in a virtual path.

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BoxedApp SDK 2.0, BoxedApp Packer 2.1

Finally, we have made available the new releases with two extremely interesting features:

Let’s take a closer look at them