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BoxedApp SDK Help >> Functions BoxedAppSDK_RegisterCOMLibraryInVirtualRegistry
Registers szVirtualFilePath as a COM library in virtual registry. In other words, loads a virtual file from szVirtualFilePath and calls DllRegisterServer, all registry changes are saving to virtual registry (not system registry). There are ANSI and UNICODE versions (BoxedAppSDK_RegisterCOMLibraryInVirtualRegistryA and BoxedAppSDK_RegisterCOMLibraryInVirtualRegistryW). Syntax
[ C++ ]
DWORD __stdcall BoxedAppSDK_RegisterCOMLibraryInVirtualRegistry(LPCTSTR szVirtualFilePath);
[ Delphi ]
function BoxedAppSDK_RegisterCOMLibraryInVirtualRegistry(szVirtualFilePath: PAnsiChar): Longint; stdcall;
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