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Creates a virtual registry key. The parameters are the same as in standard winapi RegKeyEx function.

There are ANSI and UNICODE versions (BoxedAppSDK_CreateVirtualRegKeyA and BoxedAppSDK_CreateVirtualRegKeyW).


[ C++ ]
LONG BoxedAppSDK_CreateVirtualRegKey(
	HKEY hKey,
	LPCSTR lpSubKey,
	DWORD Reserved,
	LPCSTR lpClass,
	DWORD dwOptions,
	REGSAM samDesired,
	LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
	PHKEY phkResult,
	LPDWORD lpdwDisposition

[ Delphi ]
function BoxedAppSDK_CreateVirtualRegKey(
         hKey: HKEY;
         lpSubKey: PAnsiChar;
         Reserved: DWORD;
         lpClass: PAnsiChar;
         dwOptions: DWORD;
         samDesired: REGSAM;
         lpSecurityAttributes: PSecurityAttributes;
         var phkResult: HKEY;
         lpdwDisposition: PDWORD): Longint; stdcall;

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